Sunday 29 September 2019

Why I do what I do?

Recently I joined a series of challenges set by Stampin’ Up! UK, designed for relative newbies to the SU world, and to help us try to grow our hobby/business!

In week one, we were tasked with creating a ‘meet me’ pack which is a small pack we could keep with us and pass on to potential customers.

Week two involved identifying places we could give out our packs and to give some out!

Now we are onto week three. This week we were asked ‘Why do we do what we do?’. So after a fair bit of thought, I realised I can’t fit my answer into a short Facebook post, and so it’s my blog for this week!

I’ve always been a crafty person, I loved making things as a kid, we'll skip past most of the teen years.. when I was about 17/18 I started getting into papercraft. Looking back at what I made it wasn’t all that great, but that’s not why we craft really, is it?

I gave papercraft up for a few years instead I took up cake decorating, then crochet. Now back onto papercraft and I feel like I have rediscovered my passion.

But that doesn’t tell you why I do crafts. If having depression has taught me anything, its that it is important to surround yourself with positivity, love, friends, as well as having a good balance with things you need to do not just the fun stuff.
When I craft on my own, my mind seems to forget about my anxiety, it leaves the outside world and for a short while I can just be creative. When I craft with friends I feel wonderful. People that I love, getting together and all creating something beautiful. The smiles, laughter, the feeling of accomplishment. I adore this!

These ladies are so supportive of my little crafty business and we always have such a good time making pretty things. Sometimes back to front, upside down or completely different to the project, but creativity flows as much as the tea and giggles! Thank you so much to all of you x

My Mum. Mum lives 100 miles away and we don’t see each other as often as we would like. But we have more craft days now than we did when I lived closer to home! We plan some time, get our phones on speaker and start crafting! Sending photos along the way and natter, and drink tea of course!). Crafting has definitely brought us closer. 

When the stamp set Young at Heart came out this year, I saw a stamp and to me, it's me and Mum. (Even though it looks nothing like us!) What do you think?

This picture lives on the whiteboard in my little craft space and always makes me smile. I love my Mum and she has helped me more than she probably realises! Thanks Mum!! X 

Whilst I was trying to find a couple of pictures to put on this blog, I had a good look through the hundreds of photos I have and found myself grinning, chuckling, remembering all the times I had to dig the camera out and keep that moment.  

I don't think that's even close to cover all the reasons why I craft, but I know that I truly love what I do. 

As Stampin' Up! tells us; 

Love what we do, Share what we love and help others to enjoy creativity and worthwhile accomplishments.  

In this, we make a difference 


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